
It is now available. I have completed the publication of my book The All-Inclusive Approach: The Art of Divine Remembrance. I can’t even being to describe how excited, nervous, relieved, and curious I feel now that this intention I set four years ago has finally come to fruition.

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The first version of this book in 2016 was very much my take on how to understand, apply, and utilize the law of attraction teachings in a heart-centered manner. Then I moved to Costa Rica to live in an intentional community and spiritual retreat centered located in the forest on the Guanacaste Peninsula. To put it bluntly, the forest and its inhabitants chewed up the law of attraction principles and tools I thought I had access to use in an effort to direct and influence my external environment. Then they spat them back in my face. Mother nature and all her creatures that live in harmony with the cycles and order of our natural world scoffed at the idea that I was bending reality to my will. And quiet frankly, it didn’t take long for me to assume the same attitude. How arrogant was I in my relationship with the world around me that I would believe my thoughts were determining the way events, circumstances, and others would behave?

After nearly two years in the forest, I had surrendered the one within me that wanted to control outcomes in an attempt to avoid the challenges of being alive. When I came back to the states I had a renewed passion to write. I picked up the book I had put aside while rediscovering myself with these freshly matured understandings. I found myself rewriting almost every chapter of the book. I didn’t want to put out another version of the same story highlighted in so many self-help books, think right and get everything you want. I wasn’t interested in even writing a self-help book any more. I was ready to share my journey of self-discovery. I was interested in communicating a heart-felt call for readers to relax and stop putting so much pressure on themselves to find a shortcut or hack to achieve their dream life. I felt guided to weave together a blend of personal experiences of self-realization with loving assurances to the reader that everything was unfolding Divinely in our reality, both personally and globally.

So I put the majority of the content on the chopping block. Chapters centered around the positive thinking movement transformed into invitations to welcome all emotional content as informative, appropriate, and full of Godly wisdom. Sections packed with instructions on how to move past mental obstacles transcended the promptings of an evolving ego and became heart-guided acknowledgements of the collective consciousness we are all here witnessing and contributing to as energetic beings in form. The story became less about how to achieve something in the future and more about resting in the perfection of the now.

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After several rewrites, edits, and revisions, I had a lovely colleague, Sophia Godkin, edit my work. She offered great insights and encouraged me that the information had merit and was entertaining. Eventually, I handed my manuscript off to a professional editor named Alice Peck. She was recommended to me by fellow writer and beloved spiritual companion, Peggy Kornegger. In hiring Alice I had made the final commitment to myself that this dream would become a reality. I would invest the resources necessary to bring the most refined and polished version of my book to the world. I would acknowledged that I cared about it being of value to the reader. I would overcome the fears of being seen and putting myself out there in this way. Then I hired another person to format the content and one to design the cover. What started out as my own private thoughts, feelings, insights, and ideas was now expanding into a collaborative venture with other artists and skilled professionals.

Now that this project is complete, I am basking in the gratitude I feel. I recall invigorating moments in which I felt the words being typed were coming from beyond myself. I would read through the sharing and think, ‘Yes, this is so true. I never thought of it that way.’ I was dissolving into a timeless, infinite co-creator and loving every second of it. I was opening up to the information pouring into me and letting it flow onward onto the page. This partnership was evolving me and empowering me to share my voice with a broader audience. Each skilled person I worked with nourished me with their contribution and infused me with greater confidence. I feel more resilient now that ever before.

Each piece of art we put into the world is a fragment of ourselves offered to our companions in this things called life. We share to remind another we are connected and our experiences, while unique, are also universal. The biggest impact this book had on me was the ease it cultivated within me to meet these transformative times with grace and openness. Each pass I made through the material deepened my connection to the eternal nature that I now identify as what and who I am. It is the eternal nature I lovingly recognize when I interact with my son, my friends, my family, and you.

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Much Love,

Suyana Cole

Author of The All-Inclusive Approach: The Art of Divine Remembrance