Reiki Sessions and Reki Teacher Training Classes.
Wellness Coaching Sessions both in person and online
Suyana Cole is available for interviews and workshops
Dynamic Movement Meditation Facilitator

A New Beginning

While working with clients is one of the great joys in my life, I have embarked on a journey that is taking me away from regular,  consistent internet connections.  My inner guidance has inspired me to begin building aircrete structures in Costa Rica in 2022.  I am super excited about this big shift and know it will be full of challenges and personal growth opportunities.  What more can I ask for? 

Please know, I will respond to each request for a session as soon as I can.  In the meantime, live your passions, follow your inner inspiration, enjoy the now, and I look forward to connecting with you as soon as possible.

With Love and Light Always,

Suyana Cole

Sessions and Pricing

Reiki is an enlightenment system and healing art first developed in Japan.  It is used for stress reduction, relaxation, and holistic evolution that promotes healing on all levels in the individual receiving it and the practitioner offering Reiki.  The symbiotic nature of sharing Reiki creates the opportunity for all individuals involved to benefit from the practice.  Reiki can do no harm as it flows from the highest source and is spiritually directed.  Reiki is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what animates our being.  

Reiki, pronounced, “Ray-key” is composed of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”  If one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to experience disease, stress, or discomfort.   If it is high, we are more capable of experiencing peace, balance, and well being. 

During a Reiki Session, the client sits or lays in a comfortable position while the practitioner offers Reiki to any areas of the client in need of support.  Intuitive Reiki incorporates sharing insights received by the practitioner to further enhance the session and the clients understanding of steps, practices, or knowledge most helpful and relevant to the him or her at that moment.  These sessions can be performed in person or remotely as Reiki is not impeded by the constrains of time or space.

Oftentimes, we need a confidant or objective, qualified individual to aid us in moving past blocks, re-framing old patterns with a fresh perspective, or listen to our most challenging and intimate struggles without judgement.  During a wellness coaching session, Suyana offers insights, intuitive support, wisdom, love, compassion, and opportunities for inspired action that you can receive and implement in the most harmonious way available to you.  Everyone needs support from time to time.   A wellness coaching session can provide this nourishing assistance.

During a session we connect via Skype, phone, or in person to discuss current concerns, uncertainties, or challenges while soothing the nervous system and revealing the gifts of these evolutionary catalysts. Through the process of harmonization and acceptance the client can achieve a greater level of self-love, inner peace, and integration while learning to appreciate the unique way in which they are here to transform both themselves and the world around.

What is dynamic movement meditation?

Dynamic movement meditation is a freestyle movement modality that incorporates dancing, stretching, shaking, and movement to release tension, stuck emotions and physically held trauma, reorient oneself into the physical body, and celebrate being alive in this multi-sensory reality.

Through the combination of a safe, open space, various genres of music, and freestyle movement, participants connect with their inner voice and body consciousness to move, shift, release, and embody their highest potential in that moment.  Whether that potential is coming face to face with the part of you that needs direction or confirmation that you are doing it right while not getting any instructions, allowing tears or frustration to be expressed through your movement and emotional body because of unprocessed pain, or finding yourself in a space beyond time reveling in the bliss of being alive, it is all welcome.

This practice is a wonderful combination of moving the body while consciously breathing and witnessing all the mental and emotional content that arises throughout the musical journey.

If you are interested in booking a private session, hosting a Reiki training or having Suyana offer a workshop, please fill out a contact me form. 

It is natural for the mind to want a quantifiable or guaranteed outcome and timeline for the healing journey.  But healing is as unique as each individual.  Result vary, but most clients report feeling more at ease and optimistic after receiving a session.  While these results are not evidence of what your experience might be, I believe every step we take towards self-realization is one step closer to a fulfilling and connected life.  The sessions I provide have self-realization, to know your true nature, as the foundation intention, pray, and purpose.

Reiki Session – 1 hour is $70

Wellness Coaching Session – 1 hour is $70

Reiki Training Class – $120 per person with a minimum of 4 people

Dynamic Movement Meditation – $11 per person.  Minimum and maximum number of people is determined by the space used to host the gathering

Workshop price – to be determined, please fill out a contact me form to inquire further.

At this time, I have discontinued my package programs while traveling to promote my new book.  However, I do provide a discount for multiple sessions purchased at one time. 

3 or more sessions receives a 10% discount

5 or more sessions receives a 15% discount

I am currently promoting my new book, The All Inclusive Approach: The Art of Divine Remembrance and am available for interviews.  I also am happy to discuss our continuing efforts to develop sustainable, holistic, inclusive community projects.  Please fill out a contact me form to inquire further.

Do you have a venue?  I offer two-day immersive self-realization workshops and Reiki Trainings.  Please fill out a contact me form to inquire further.


The All-Inclusive Approach is a way of perceiving everything as valuable expressions of Eternal Consciousness lovingly created to participate in the art of Divine Remembrance.

Free Consultation

Welcome new clients…

You are invited to schedule a 10 to 15 minute initial consultation to navigate which session will be most supportive to you at this time or ask any questions you may have.  I look forward to connecting with you.