sunset, nature, outdoors

As We Know it…

The world is coming to an end…as we know it.

There is a belief that most humans share within the depths of our consciousness.  It is something that we innately know within the recesses of our collective awareness and shared DNA.  We understand the world, as we know it, is in the process of ending, transforming into something new, being reborn, and experiencing a quantum leap forward along the path of evolution.  We, as a species, feel this truth.  And yet, the controlling narrative that we have been indoctrinated with in place of the complex truth, The world, as we know it, is ending, has been replaced with the fear invoking, apathy producing simple phrase, the world is going to end.  It is described in religious texts, depicted in movies, and promoted through the narratives of our mainstream media outlets.  A truth innate within our awareness continues to be exploited for the purposes of control, manipulation, and coercion.  But we are getting wise to these tactics.  We are remembering the expansiveness and potency of these times. 

In an effort to unravel and disengage the influence of these methods of domination, let us examine for a moment the emotional response to the phrase:

The world is going to end


The world, as we know it, is coming to an end.

The first sparks feelings of fear, hopelessness, disconnection, and destruction.  If the world is going to end, why bother taking care of it and each other?  Why attempt to live in accordance with a higher purpose beyond the short term gratification one might enjoy while moving inevitably towards the doomsday fate we have been given?  We have no power to change the unbending reality we have been presented and so we succumb to a life lived for physical pleasure, constant distraction from the fate we can do nothing about, and disinterested in the transcendent experience available to us in each lifetime. We are condemned and seek fleeting sensational moments to distract us from that which we cannot escape.  Even if you happen to be part of the population that believes in the redemption of a heavenly afterlife, that belief merely makes life here on Earth a test to ace or an interim you would prefer to exit as quickly and painlessly as possible.  Those who don’t have the luxury of either outlook most often are wholly preoccupied with the effort and attention required to survive without the resources necessary to do so.  Separation prevails at every turn with only the hope that the end will be swift, painless, and permanent.  Religious folks want to be right about the reckoning, non-religious people want to rid Earth of the parasite or plague that is humankind, and everyone in between wants relief from the struggle and suffering that seemingly has only one end in sight; the end of the world.  It is a bleak outlook to say the least.

The latter sentence, the world, as we know it, is coming to an end, can evoke similar responses initially.  Fear, despair, devastation, and overwhelm are often experienced during the first wave of realization.  Uncertainty and change can activate our deepest fears and concerns.  How will I survive the transformation?  Will it be more than I can bare?  How long will it last and what will I have to sacrifice?  What does this new future look like and will it be better than the reality I have grown accustomed to, regardless of how unfulfilling it may be?

However consuming or debilitating these fears or realizations may be initially, the potential for those emotional states and worries to be followed by wisdom, courage, and inspired action are much greater.  We begin to entertain dynamic concepts about the nature of this truth.  If the world is going to end as we know it, can I influence the outcome of the new reality beyond this one?  Does what I do now have an impact on the world that exists beyond this one?  What affects do my current decisions, behaviors, perspectives, and actions have on the manifestation of this new reality?  Can I be part of both the before and after worlds?  Am I willing to focus some of my attention, energy, time, and awareness on being present for insights, epiphanies, and guidance to arise within my consciousness?  Will I play an active role in the realization of this new world?  Do I have an integral part to play and, if so, how do I learn what that responsibility entails?

Omitting the part of the sentence ‘as we know it’ takes a wisdom born within the infinite, eternal aspects of ourselves and allows the mortal and most fleeting part of us a chance to give up or give in to a controlling, unsatisfying existence while willfully seeking the promised relief of an inevitable end.  

During this pivotal and intense time in human and global history, ask yourself if you are approaching life from the perspective that 

The World is going to end


The world, as we know, it is coming to an end.  

Allow yourself the freedom to contemplate how you make decisions, treat others, care for the environment around you, engage with your spiritual or energetic nature, and relate to yourself based on one way of interrupting that phrase verses the other. 

You may find that remembering that essential component, as we know it, frees your from the devastation of an unstoppable end and offers you the opportunity to contribute to the infinitely potent, dynamic future, right now, in our one world that is propelling into its next inception.  

I am here to invite you into the totality of your remembering.  The world, as we know it, is transforming.  Please contribute your loving awareness and joyful attention to this process.

Oneness for all, forever.

With Eternal Love,

Suyana Cole
