Dear Man,

Let it known, beloved, sweet man, I do not wish to take care of you.  


I desire only to care for you.  

To take care of you requires I compensate for your inability or unwillingness to care for yourself.  I respect you too much to demean you in this way.  To care for you, however, is both complementary and complimentary.  It promotes a relationship dynamic of two parts coming together to create a better whole in which praise, gratitude, and appreciation can flourish.  To care for another is to engage and share one’s gifts, talents, skills, and strengthen with the intention to enhance and uplift the experience of both individuals by one’s own freewill.  It is a choice.  

To take care of another means without you they may not be able to care for themselves.  This perspective makes a union of equal, yet different, components successfully coming together quite difficult.  This approach fosters resentment, manipulation, coercion, and dis-ease.  We must be inferior and superior in order to attract each other in this way, and we are beyond that now.  We don’t need to approach one another from a place of deficiency, neediness, dependency, or victimhood.  We have the opportunity to come together in a pleasurable, enticing, and vulnerable way in which the challenges and trials we have faced can be shared from a vantage point of transparency and self-realization.  No rescuers or saviors needed.  I want  you strong and humble, beautiful and rough, sweet and focused.  How do you want me?

I am ready to care for you; my strong, free man.  Are you ready for me?  This is what I desire from you, beautiful man. Care for me.  Meet me with humility, integrity, compassion and good humor.  I invite you to coax me out of the shadows with honesty, lightness, and your well developed conscious masculine power.  This is how you evoke ease, softness and openness in me.  You may approach me with harsh words about the world, judgements about others’ shortcomings, and the failings you can’t help but see.  Know that I will merely observe you from afar, on the edge of the wildness that is woman with curiosity but very little desire to approach.  It is not my unwillingness to see your hardships, pains, and disappointments that keeps me at a distance, it is the womanly nature in me that knows this is not the opening that will draw us together in sacred union. This is my strengthen and power born from the softness of my feminine essence.  Fear not my man, I will invite you to come again and care for me with a manner that is both gentle and firm.  However, if you fail to engage with me in a soothing and welcoming way repeatedly, I will explore other areas of the wilderness in search of a better match.  This is my nature.

Care for me.  How, you may wonder.  Meet me in my softness that you desire and long for so deeply.  Caress me as I entice you to and allow me to excite you with my sensual ways.  Inspire me with your visions of potential, dreams, endeavors, passions, and proud moments.  Ask me and listen to my hopes, prayers, and insights.  Listen and adore me as I listen and adore you.  Let us not compete with each other.  Be affectionate with me and share your desire to deepen our intimacy and exploration.  Speak these things plainly and clearly so I may know your intentions and relax into that knowing.  I am safe with you when you share wholly and will open up some of the mysteries of myself in this safe space you have created for us.  Admire that I keep some things hidden and out of your reach.  I always will and deep down you like it this way.  Remind yourself that you like the mysteriousness of me when doubt or suspicion creeps in.  My secrets do not equate to dishonesty or disloyalty, it is the way of the wild woman.  As a wild man, you have your own nature that must be maintained to stay strong, vital, and potent in our union.  Be secure in the rhythm I initiate with you as I open and feed you freely with all I have to give and then respect me when I retreat into myself to replenish, reconnect, and rejoice in this loving, beautiful dance of us and I.  Share with me your needs but be very cautious with demands.  I can be devoted to you until the end but I shall never remain kept for long.  I love to care for you, beloved.  I love for you to care for me.   Let our union of love be the renewing, fresh, and true choice to care for each other and ourselves each moment we choose of our own freewill.  And so it is and so it will always be.  Aho.

Embodying love and light,



Author Suyana Cole