In My World…

In my world there is space for all the parts of me.  Every aspect has its place among the population of characters that make up the dynamic, unique expression of I.  

There are avenues filled with creative creatures bringing forth a plethora of treasures from the depths of their imagination, alleyways full of doubtful, fearful, worried, and pain-ridden wounded psyches, parks, gardens, and forests bursting with the wild and beautiful nature of my eternal spirit.  The streets are a mix of colorful decor, simple elegant lines met by soft curves and spirals of light, delicious aromas blended with sensual exotic scents, and smiling, sincere faces. My world is a wonder to behold and hold it dear I certainly do.

In my world, we have rules and codes of conduct.  My many selves value honesty, freewill, humor, strength, love, joy, cooperation, compassion, growth and personal expression.  At times there are differences of opinion and opposing viewpoints, but as a world that regards self knowing and accountability as vital, all of those vantage points are respected and honored as long as they are not causing harm with malicious intent.  Of course, sometimes parts of me wish to alienate others.  This is to be expected in any evolving world with more than one conscious perspective.  Not to mention, the conditions we learned from other worlds that came before with their own set of standards as we were developing and growing our culture.  But the code we conduct ourselves by is built on the foundation that once an awareness of ill intent is discovered, all aspects of self rush to the part that is protecting itself or projecting its pain at the cost of others and pour love, light, kindness, appreciation, and support into that personal expression until balance or homeostasis is restored to the whole of my world.  This approach is inclusive and tempered with the innocence of my eternal nature.  After all, what use does an eternal being have in destroying that which its life and environment have been skillful crafted to acknowledge, evolve and develop?

I visit other worlds from time to time.  I notice some worlds value control and dominance.  Some worlds value creativity and growth.  Some worlds seem open and welcoming, while others remaining cautious and tentative in receiving outsiders.  Others seem chaotic and unorganized which makes it challenging to see what is truly valued there.  The personalities in my world vary in their degrees of comfort when interacting with foreign entities.  Some aspects retreat into those alleys I mentioned and hide in the shadows.  Others feel it is a privilege to embody their values when visiting other realities and step lightly on the landscape of another.  Certain personalities in my world are full of curiosity always seeking new places to explore.  Some members of my world simply relax, observe these unknown worlds, and marvel at the wonder of it all.  

We engage in our world and the ones beyond with a certain amount of gentle firmness.  We respect sovereignty and appreciate the freedom each expression has to wield their freewill with wisdom and humility.  We do not always rise to our highest ideals.  But we return to them regularly in the hope that this commitment will inevitably lead to a consistent openness to meet the reality that is being presented at any given time.  

My world has been well traveled by others.  It is welcoming to those who come within its borders and remains open, even to those who have trespassed upon us in the past.  Forgiveness and compassion are a way of life and a quality highly respected in my world.  So much so that my world has devoted itself to embodying and expressing these qualities to other worlds so they may know their value and adopt these attributes as well.  It is a gift my world offers to all others.  

I invite you to visit my world and revel in its riches.  I hope to visit yours as well and marvel at the beauty and splendor it may possess.  Well-travelled, multi-dimensional being, join me in opening your world to the powerful and potent practice of connecting and sharing the wealth of resources we have to offer one another.  Be ever respectful, transparent, and kind during our time together.  See me as I see you. 

Embrace me as I embrace you. 

Honor me as I honor you.

In Love and Light,
