The New Evolutionist

Evolutionist has been a term largely related to the theory of how species evolve in the physical world. Species evolve in social behaviors, physical adaptions, and intellectual expression. But there is an emerging evolutionist coming on the scene these days. It is the spiritual evolutionist. The energetic evolutionist. The new evolutionist. An individual who blends nature and nurture, the known and the unknown, the value of ritual and tradition that serves to expand and empower the people coupled with the innovations and technologies that serve the same purpose. The new evolutionist is inclusive in mentality, mature in emotional intelligence, and collaborative in their approach to solutions for not just their immediate community, but the environment beyond their immediate reality. This new evolutionist understands that we are constantly growing and evolving, hence the name. They do not cling to modalities that do not work or support the greater good and they vehemently protect methods of living that encourage balance and homeostasis.

For those of you who have attempted to cast off or never acquire labels or identifications that would separate you from others or box you into being defined as less than your totality, this expansive term is for you. This is an idea that is as fluid and vast as the infinite nature of our truest reality. It is never without momentum toward the next most evolved expression. It does not become stagnant but offers space to phases of integration and rest. It is the newest phase of the movements that came before it. Movements for equality have paved the way for the new evolutionist. Groups that have been born out of oppression, repression, separation, and marginalization have guided the next generation of individuals seeking the ‘non-group’ opportunity to align with an idea of consciousness that gives acknowledgement to all expressions of life.

At this point there are those who do not even denounce their oppressors. They can see the last desperate attempts of the losing team making their last stance in vain. They feel that even those who have caused so much pain served a purpose for the evolution taking place at this time. They understand that while those who have mistreated others need to be held accountable for their grievous actions, the grand scheme of it all has created the tipping point we see now. The new evolutionist sees that we are at a state of expansion that we have never known before and they are looking to join together to be engaged and active in the unstoppable shift.

Some of this segment of the population has been so careful not to join in with any organizations that they look to the skies for a savior or alien-friendly or benevolent God to rescue us into a new paradigm. Some people are so weary from the process of waiting or leery of stepping out into the light that it seems more reasonable to continue to wait than to act. For those of you, yes, you, who know that I am speaking about you, we are being given the chance to count on ourselves. Regardless of all the love, guidance, support, encouragement, and appreciation we may feel coming from beyond our human companions, we are going to evolve as each one of us regains the power within and expresses it in the world. We will thrive as one by one we implement our knowledge, access our talents, share our gifts, and embody our Divine Essence.

The new evolutionist realizes that we have not endured to be awarded a rescue ship from space for the good little ones. We have endured to cultivate the strength, resilience, power, and wisdom to move forward with courage and purpose. We have endured to learn the value of vulnerability and the gift of compassion. We have endured to remember that we are here to thrive, not merely survive. We are the new evolutionist because while we don’t diminish the intensity of this journey, we know it has been the foundation of the next stage of our existence and we are ready to receive this new paradigm with open hearts and mind.

For as long as I can remember, I have resisted being identified as any of the labels that have been spoken about or over me. For years I thought that this tendency was a result of my lack of commitment. Now I realize and embrace the totality of all that I have been and continue to become because of my fierce and unwavering commitment to my evolutionary process. I am a new evolutionist. Are you?

Much Love,

Suyana Cole

Author of The All Inclusive Approach: The Art of Divine Remembrance